Viviane Reding répond aux critiques émises par Reporters sans frontières sur le droit à l’oubli numérique

Dans le rapport 2012 des Ennemis d’Internet, Reporters sans frontières a émis des réserves sur le projet de directive et de règlement sur l'utilisation des données personnelles, publié le 25 janvier 2012 par la Commission européenne, qui entérine le droit à l’oubli numérique. Le texte donne le droit aux utilisateurs d’exiger, “pour des motifs légitimes”, le retrait de tout contenu à caractère personnel. Tous les sites Internet sont concernés, qu’ils soient hébergés dans l’Union européenne ou à l’étranger, et seront tenus tenus de faire appliquer les requêtes des particuliers. Il existe un risque réel pour la liberté d’information, puisque que des individus pourraient invoquer un droit de suppression d’éléments ayant un intérêt d’information, dès lors que ce contenu ne leur convient plus. L’organisation est particulièrement préoccupée par la marge de manoeuvre laissée par la directive aux Etats membres lors de la transposition en droit national, puisque “la directive lie tout État membre destinataire quant au résultat à atteindre, tout en laissant aux instances nationales la compétence quant à la forme et aux moyens” (article 288 du traité sur le fonctionnement de l'Union européenne). Le 15 mars dernier, Reporters sans frontières a reçu une réponse du porte-parole de Viviane Reding, vice-président de la Commission européenne en charge de la justice, à l’initiative de ce projet, publiée ci-après. Dear Ms. Morillon, I read your report in "Internet Enemies 2012" on the right to be forgotten and I would to respond in the name Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the European Commission and EU Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship. Could you please post this response on your website? I would like to clarify some misconceptions about your report on the right to be forgotten and online free speech. In a speech on November 8, 2011, EU Justice Commissioner Viviane said that the implementation of the right to be forgotten within European data protection law will not affect the job of journalists to report and store stories of public interest. The right to be forgotten is very specific: the idea is to give more control to users so they can request that their personal information – profiles, photos or contacts – that they put online themselves are permanently deleted if they do not want this information to be used and if there is no legitimate reason to retain such data. The right to be forgotten is not an absolute right. The proposed Regulation, which the European Commission adopted on 25 January 2012, provides for very broad exemptions to ensure that freedom of expression can be fully taken into account. This will allow, for instance, news websites to continue to operate on the basis of the same principles. Viviane Reding has always stood for freedom of expression, a freely accessible Internet, and freedom of information via the Internet. She has repeatedly said that blocking the Internet has never been and never will be an option. Viviane Reding has a track record during her entire career as a defender of the freedom of the press and the media, including three terms as a Commissioner, first for media, then telecoms and now as the fundamental rights Commissioner. For example, during the debate on the EU Telecoms Package in 2009, some politicians wanted to include in this legislation provisions that would have authorised a "three-strikes solution" to protect copyright. She opposed this at the time. Despite significant political pressure, she supported – in the name of the European Commission and in close alliance with the European Parliament – the inclusion of an "Internet freedom provision" in the final text of this legislation. This "Internet freedom provision" represents a great victory for the rights and freedoms of European citizens. Under this provision, "three-strikes laws", which could cut off Internet access without a prior fair and impartial procedure or without effective and timely judicial review, will certainly not become part of European law. Viviane Reding would never support legislation that would hinder the crucial role of journalists in our society. Mrs. Reding, as a former journalist, is very conscious and respectful of press freedom and free expression. Regarding the practical implications of the proposals, the right to be forgotten does not mean that someone will be able to have all his personal data deleted following each request. If, for example, the retention of the data is necessary for the performance of a contract or for compliance with a legal obligation, the data might be kept as long as necessary for that purpose. In your comment about the right to be forgotten, you said that a debate is necessary about the proposals. That is exactly what is happening now that the proposals have been officially presented. The European Commission welcomes this debate, which should be based on a solid understanding of the proposals. Matthew Newman
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Updated on 20.01.2016