Call for tender for the Financial Audit of the project / European Excellence Exchange in Journalism (E3J)

Call for tender for the Financial Audit of the project

European Excellence Exchange in Journalism (E3J)


Founded in 1985, Reporters Without Borders (RSF) ensures respect for the freedom of information enshrined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers". The organization works for the freedom, pluralism, and independence of journalism, and defends those who embody these ideals. By combating censorship and defending journalists and media outlets in difficulty, persecuted because of their work, it supports one of the foundations of democracy.

The contractor will provide the final financial audit of the project: European Excellence Exchange in Journalism (E3J) financed through a multi-year partnership agreement European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), under the powers delegated by the European Commission.


This agreement was signed in consortium with :

  • RSF : Reporters sans Frontières (France) as Coordinator ;
  • FPU : Stichting Free Press Unlimited (Netherlands) as other beneficiary;
  • CO.PE.A.M : Permanent Conference of Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators (Italia) as other beneficiary ;
  • COMMIT : Community Medien Institut fur weiterbildung (Austria) as other beneficiary.


Audit address: France. Headquarters of RSF in Paris. No need to travel to third countries.

Audit period: 01/04/2022 to 31/03/2024 (24 months)

Total project budget: 1 228 017,50

UE grant: 982.413 €

Deadline for tenders: Thursday, 18th of January 2024, 7.00 PM (Paris time)

Analysis of tenders and auditors’ selection: Monday, 22nd of January 2024.

Start date: May, 2024

To apply or for any further information please contact Rose-Marie Mareschal: [email protected] Please indicate in the subject line « Audit Creative E3J ».



E3J Budget


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