USA : RSF welcomes Congressional World Press Freedom Day resolutions

Resolutions introduced today in the US House and Senate in recognition of World Press Freedom Day, May 3, have drawn bipartisan support in reaffirming the United States’ commitment to the free press and highlighting the state of journalism around the world. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is proud to have provided a large part of items and datas to ensure these resolutions, and to release its 2022 World Press Freedom new Index this same day.
The two World Press Freedom Day resolutions, introduced in each chamber respectively, highlight data and research from press freedom organizations, including RSF, that show the extent to which press freedom is being threatened throughout the world. They also demonstrate the severity of repression and violence afflicting the press in nations like China, Mexico, Morocco, Mexico, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia, where journalists are being censored, attacked, imprisoned, forcibly disappeared, and killed due to their work.
RSF was proud to work in coordination with out other NGOs and congressional staff to ensure these resolutions include language highlighting the cases of American journalists who have been targeted in war zones, the violent toll taken on journalists in countries like Ukraine, Morocco, and Mexico, and up to date statistics on abuses committed against journalists globally, among other items.
“World Press Freedom Day is the perfect opportunity for Congress to remind the nation and the world of our shared values by reaffirming our commitment to the free press and the public’s right to information,” said Clayton Weimers, Deputy Director of RSF’s Washington, DC bureau. “We appreciate the senators, members of Congress, and their staffs for their hard work and thoughtful coordination with civil society groups like RSF on free press issues.”
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) thanks Senator Robert Menendez and Senator Marco Rubio, as well as Congressman Adam Schiff and Congressman Steve Chabot for leading bipartisan coalitions in introducing these resolutions to celebrate World Press Freedom Day 2022.
The United States is ranked 42nd out of 180 countries in RSF's 2022 World Press Freedom Index.