“Where is Prageeth?”

Cartoon by Prageeth Eknaligoda, Sri Lanka

Prageeth Eknaligoda, a journalist, cartoonist and political analyst, went missing nearly one year ago. He disappeared in Colombo on 24 January 2010. Cartooning for Peace and Reporters Without Borders are marking this sad anniversary by launching an international support campaign, using 12 cartoons by cartoonists throughout the world to symbolize each of the 12 months that Prageeth has been missing. “Give us back Prageeth!”

Kianoush, Iran

Stephff, Burma

Gatto, Italy

Sampaio, Portugal

Damien Glez, Burkina Faso

Constant Tonakpa, Benin

Bolio, Mexico

Kap, Spain

Koza, Madagascar

Kichka, Israel

Pov, Mauritius

Zunar, Malaysia

Sign the Galle literary festival appeal.
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Updated on 20.01.2016