US - RSF joins The Washington Post’s Press Freedom Partnership

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) is thrilled to announce its participation in The Washington Post’s Press Freedom Partnership to promote freedom of the press and raise awareness for the rights of journalists around the world in pursuit of the truth.

Beginning November 2, The Washington Post will launch a new press freedom initiative dedicated to highlighting the work and campaigns of press freedom organizations like RSF in advancing the protection and safety of journalists worldwide. The Post’s readers can learn more about the organizations and their work, as well as view the latest reporting on press freedom issues at The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) and Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press (RCFP) are also participating in the Press Freedom Partnership.  

RSF is honored to expand its partnership with The Washington Post after working with the news outlet on previous projects. These include the campaign to bring home journalist Jason Rezaian after he was unjustly detained for 544 days in Iran while working as The Post’s Tehran Bureau Chief, working with the parents of detained American journalist Austin Tice to secure his safe return from Syria, and the annual launch of RSF’s World Press Freedom Index in 2017 and 2018 at events held at The Post’s Washington, DC office.

Reporters Without Borders is thrilled to take its long-standing partnership with The Washington Post to the next level with this new initiative to regularly highlight our work to defend journalists, bloggers, and the free flow of information online,” said Margaux Ewen, RSF’s North America director. “With press freedom increasingly under threat across the globe and attacks against members of the press on the rise, the Post’s leadership in shining a light on these issues has represented a beacon of hope for those who are risking their lives by simply reporting the news.”

RSF looks forward to building its partnership with The Washington Post and like-minded organizations to work towards achieving a safer environment for journalists and media workers around the world.

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Updated on 05.11.2018