Unknown group makes "unrealistic" demand for release of Fox News journalists, creating "Iraq-style" situation

A previously unknown militant group has claimed responsibility for the abduction of two Fox New journalists nine days ago and has
demanded the release of Muslim prisoners by the United States. Reporters Without Borders is very worried and calls for a massive
campaign on behalf of the two journalists.

Reporters Without Borders voiced deep concern about kidnapped Fox New journalists Steve Centanni and Olaf Wiig after a hitherto unknown group calling itself the Holy Jihad Brigades today claimed responsibility for their abduction and, in a video showing their two captives, demanded that the United States release “Muslim prisoners” within 72 hours. “The situation has changed with their kidnapping being claimed by an unknown group that is making absolutely unrealistic demands,” the press freedom organisation said. “This resembles the methods used in the cases of journalists abducted in Baghdad. We are now in an Iraq-style situation and we need a massive campaign for their release.” Reporters Without Borders continued: “Ten journalists have been kidnapped in the past two years in the Palestinian Territories but almost all of them were freed within hours. This is the first time a kidnapping has lasted so long and a demand has been made. We are nonetheless relieved to see that these two journalists are still alive and we reiterate our support for their families.” The organisation added: “For more than a year, we have regularly drawn the attention of the Palestinian authorities to the growing dangers to which local and foreign journalists working in the Gaza Strip are exposed. It is now their duty to do everything possible to ensure that these two journalists are quickly reunited with their families.”
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Updated on 20.01.2016