Thugs attack offices of Radio Méditerranée

Reporters Without Borders condemned an attack today on the Paris offices of the community station Radio Méditerranée by apparently pro-Israeli thugs who smashed windows and the entrance door in the early hours of the morning. Four large stones and three iron bars that appear to have been used in the attack were found amid the debris. A Star of David and the words "Long live Israel" were daubed on the building. Reporters Without Borders called for an enquiry into the incident and the punishment of those responsible. It also deplored the regular threats to the station's journalists, especially since the start of the second Palestinian Intifada, and deaths threats made to its director, Taoufiq Mathlouti. The front of the offices was daubed during the night of 21-22 March this year with slogans such as "Radio Méditerrané = nazi."
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Updated on 20.01.2016