Threats and arrests as authorities step up security measures / 安全措施加强,传讯威胁增多

Several Chinese dissidents have told Reporters Without Borders they fear they could be prevented from talking in the run-up to the Olympic Games opening ceremony on 8 August. House arrest, police surveillance, interception of communications and intimidation are all becoming more and more frequent. Several foreign journalists were recently prevented from visiting the wife of leading dissident Hu Jia, who has been held since last December. There is still no news of Huang Qi and the contributors to his website, Tianwang, who have been held incommunicado for more than a month in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province. Chinese Human Rights Defenders has reported several recent violations of free expression. Lawyer Fan Ziliang, for example, was arrested by 10 policemen from the Public Security Bureau in Huzhou (in Zhejiang province) on 10 July and was questioned about his contacts with pro-democracy activist Zhang Guoting and an article about him by dissident Deng Huanwu. Fan was released the next day but the police held on to his computer. He was previously arrested on 3 June for commemorating the Tiananmen Square massacre. Reporters Without Borders also condemns the arrests of Chen Xi, Liao Shuangyuan and Wu Yuqin on 8 July for investigating the death of a teenage girl in the district of Wengan (in Guizhou province). Thousands of Wengan residents demonstrated on 28 June outside the local Public Security Bureau, accusing the police of concealing the real causes of her death. Chen, Liao and Wu formed a “citizen investigations unit” to probe the circumstances of her death. Following their arrest, they were transferred to the provincial capital, Guiyang, for questioning and the police confiscated their cameras, notebooks and tape-recorders containing information about the girl's death. They were released from police custody the next day but were placed under house arrest. After the disturbances in Wengan, local journalists were ordered not to report anything that reflected badly on the police. Nationally, the media were given permission to mention the protests, but quoting only the official version. But the many accounts circulating online forced the authorities to punish the officials implicated. Human rights activist Yuan Xianchen has been held since 28 May for defending the rights of workers at Didao mine, near Jixi (in Heilongjiang province). He is also reportedly being held for helping to collect signatures for the “We want human rights not Olympic Games” petition. Lu Guengsong, a writer and activist being held in Hangzhou Xijiao prison, was forced to shave his head by the prison authorities on 15 July. The foreign media are continuing to encounter difficulties when they investigate sensitive issues. Presenter Marietta Slomka and a crew from the German TV station ZDF were recently stopped by police while filming in a district where property had been seized. And police confiscated a camera and memory card from reporter Chen Yang of the Hong Kong-based daily Ming Pao on 11 July in Beijing as he was taking photos of small investors protesting against the alleged embezzlement of 170 million Chinese yuan by China Commodity Spot Exchange president Guo Yuanfeng. ---------------------- 随着2008年8月8日北京奥运会开幕式的日益临近,几名中国政治异见者向无国界记者表示,恐怕他们的言论自由会愈来愈受到限制。软禁在家、警察监督、言论控制、威胁恐吓,诸如此类的种种手段越来越普遍。2007年12月,政治异见者胡佳被捕入狱。最近,几名外国记者要访问胡佳的妻子遭到阻拦。 自从“六四”天网网站创办者黄琦和他的同事在一个月前与四川成都被秘密关押以来,直至今日仍然杳无音信。中国人权捍卫者组织最近发现了几起侵犯言论自由的行为。例如,2008年7月10 日,律师Fan Ziliang 被浙江湖州公安局的十几名警察逮捕。警察向他询问他与民主活动人士Zhang Guoting的关系以及由另一名政治异见者Deng Huanwu所撰写文章的情况。尽管第二天Fan Ziliang就被释放,但是警方却没收了他的电脑。2008年6月3日,Fan Ziliang因为纪念“六四”天安门事件已经遭到一次逮捕。无国界记者对于2008年7月8日Chen Xi, Liao Shuangyuan 和 Wu Yuqin调查贵州Wengan一少女死因而被捕一事深表愤慨。6月28日,Wengan几千名市民游行抗议,指责当地公安局隐瞒少女死亡真相。游行过后,Chen Xi, Liao Shuangyuan 和 Wu Yuqin组成“市民调查组”,调查少女的真正死因。这三人而后被捕,转移至贵州省会贵阳。在审讯过程中,警察没收了他们的摄像机和写有少女真实死因的纪录。第二天,警方释放了这三人,但禁止他们随便外出,并对其寓所进行监视。 Wengan游行骚乱之后,当地记者收到命令,严禁报道不利于当地警方的新闻。在全国范围内,媒体只可以依照官方说法报道该游行。不过,诸多见证在网络上流传,迫使当地政府处罚了有关官员。另外,人权捍卫者Yuan Xianchen因为帮助黑龙江省鸡西附近Didao煤矿工人争取正当权利,协助收集以“我们要人权不要奥运”为题的请愿书签名而在2008年5月28日被捕。 7月15日,杭州西郊监狱强迫被关押的作家、民主活动者Lu Guengsong剃光头。外国媒体在报道敏感问题时仍然遇到重重阻力。近日,德国电视台ZDF主持人Marietta Slomka率摄制组在没收房产街区拍摄时被拦截。7月11日,小投资者在北京就"China Commodity Spot Exchange"总裁Guo Yuanfeng侵吞1亿7千万人民币(合1千7百万欧元)一事游行抗议,香港报纸《明报》记者Chen Yang在现场拍照,其相机和记忆卡被警察没收。
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Updated on 20.01.2016