International laws and governanceDisinformation and propagandaViolence against journalistsLegal framework and justice systemNews 06.09.2016 RSF demands release of five citizen journalists arrested during G20
Violence against journalistsNews 06.09.2016 Turkey: International civil society condemn crackdown on freedom of expression
International laws and governanceViolence against journalistsLegal framework and justice systemNews 05.09.2016 Three UN Special Rapporteurs criticize German foreign intelligence reform bill
International laws and governanceViolence against journalistsNews 02.09.2016 G20 leaders in China: “the right to remain silent” does not apply to you!
Violence against journalistsNews 01.09.2016 RSF reminds US that Karl Penhaul is a journalist, not a terrorist
Violence against journalistsLegal framework and justice systemNews 31.08.2016 RSF urges British parliament to amend “Snoopers’ Charter”