Violence against journalistsLegal framework and justice systemNews 30.04.2018 AFGHANISTAN : At least 9 journalists killed, 6 wounded in Kabul blasts
Violence against journalistsLegal framework and justice systemNews 27.04.2018 RSF deplores Maltese government offensive against “Daphne Project”
Violence against journalistsLegal framework and justice systemNews 27.04.2018 RSF urges Indian authorities to protect woman journalist
International laws and governanceViolence against journalistsLegal framework and justice systemReport 27.04.2018 RSF unveils “shadow report” on press freedom in Eritrea
Violence against journalistsNews 26.04.2018 Second Palestinian journalist dies after being shot at Gaza-Israel border
Violence against journalistsLegal framework and justice systemNews 26.04.2018 Cumhuriyet trial: "This was a trial where the ‘crime’ was journalism, and the only ‘evidence’ was journalistic activities"
Violence against journalistsLegal framework and justice systemNews 26.04.2018 Turkey: Jail terms for 14 Cumhuriyet journalists, administrators
Violence against journalistsLegal framework and justice systemNews 25.04.2018 Violence against reporters during 11 days of protests in Armenia
Disinformation and propagandaViolence against journalistsLegal framework and justice systemIndependence and pluralismNews 24.04.2018 RSF index 2018 : regional analysis