Violence against journalistsLegal framework and justice systemNews 14.02.2019 Call for Kashmiri journalist’s release after spurious charges
Violence against journalistsLegal framework and justice systemIndependence and pluralismNews 14.02.2019 At least 79 journalists arrested in two months of protests in Sudan
Violence against journalistsNews 13.02.2019 Newspaper editor Igor Rudnikov finally goes on trial in Saint Petersburg
International laws and governanceViolence against journalistsLegal framework and justice systemIndependence and pluralismNews 13.02.2019 Philippine website editor held on defamation charge
Violence against journalistsIndependence and pluralismNews 12.02.2019 Liberia: Monrovia radio station silenced by second attack in two weeks
Violence against journalistsNews 08.02.2019 Japan urged to stop restricting its journalists’ foreign travel
Violence against journalistsLegal framework and justice systemNews 08.02.2019 New DRC opposition urged to guarantee journalists’ safety
Violence against journalistsLegal framework and justice systemNews 08.02.2019 Several Ugandan journalists arrested while investigating corruption