Violence against journalistsNews 18.06.2019 China: RSF demands the release of former Beijing News editor-in-chief
Violence against journalistsLegal framework and justice systemIndependence and pluralismNews 18.06.2019 Two Bulgarian reporters subjected to absurd judicial probe
Violence against journalistsNews 17.06.2019 Igor Rudnikov’s release confirms that victories are possible in Russia
Violence against journalistsLegal framework and justice systemNews 17.06.2019 Two French reporters attacked by police, then arrested in CAR
Technological censorship and surveillanceDisinformation and propagandaViolence against journalistsLegal framework and justice systemNews 17.06.2019 Young Pakistani blogger hacked to death in Islamabad suburb
Violence against journalistsIndependence and pluralismNews 17.06.2019 Chinese diplomat Lu Shaye, the bane of Canadian media, appointed ambassador to France
Violence against journalistsLegal framework and justice systemNews 14.06.2019 Israel: Palestinian journalist sentenced, five others pending trial
Disinformation and propagandaViolence against journalistsLegal framework and justice systemNews 14.06.2019 G20 summit : gesture needed from Saudis to recover place on international stage
Violence against journalistsLegal framework and justice systemNews 14.06.2019 Liberian reporter arrested at football official’s behest