Seif Gaddafi asked to intercede on behalf of imprisoned cyber-dissident Al Mansouri

Reporters Without Borders wrote today to Seif al-Islam Gaddafi, the president of the Gaddafi Foundation, asking him to intercede on behalf of imprisoned cyber-dissident Abdel Razak Al Mansouri and seek his release. The request has been made as the government prepares to pardon 131 political prisoners in early September on the 36th anniversary of the coup that brought Col. Muammar Gaddafi to power.

Reporters Without Borders wrote today to Seif al-Islam Gaddafi, the president of the Gaddafi Foundation, asking him to intercede on behalf of imprisoned cyber-dissident Abdel Razak Al Mansouri and seek his release. The request has been made as the government prepares to pardon 131 political prisoners in early September on the 36th anniversary of the coup that brought Col. Muammar Gaddafi to power.

Mr. Seif al-Islam Gaddafi President of The Gaddafi International Foundations for Charity Associations

"Dear Mr. Gaddafi, You recently said the Libyan government intends to free 131 political prisoners at the start of September. Reporters Without Borders, an international organisation that defends press freedom, would like to ask you to intercede on behalf of Abdel Razak Al Mansouri - imprisoned since January for writing articles critical of the Libyan government for a website - so that he may included in these releases. His release is all the more pressing as his state of health worsened recently. He fractured his pelvis when he fell from his bunk-bed and then had to wait many hours before receiving treatment. Since then he has suffered from complications which could endanger his life if they do not receive proper treatment very soon. Mr. Al Mansouri's release would be a gesture that shows the international community that the Libyan government is ready to respect free expression. A former bookseller, he was arrested at his home in Tobruk on 12 January and was subsequently charged with "unauthorised possession of a pistol." But according to our information, his arrest was in fact prompted by his articles criticising the Libyan government on the Akhbar Libya website. Although he has been held for eight months in a detention centre run by the internal security service in the Fashloom district of Tripoli, he has still not been tried. Since his arrest, he has not been granted the right to a visit from family members and he has not been allowed to see a lawyer. Reporters Without Borders therefore urges you to intercede with the appropriate authorities in order to obtain Mr. Al Mansouri's release. We trust you will give this matter your careful consideration." Letter signed by Robert Ménard, Secretary-General of Reporters Without Borders.
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Updated on 20.01.2016