RSF USA Membership

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Become a Member of Reporters Without Borders USA

At Reporters Without Borders, our core belief is that press freedom allows us to verify the existence of all other freedoms. Without a free press, it is impossible to strengthen human rights protection, advance government accountability, and improve the reach and the quality of social justice and civil liberties.

By giving $100 or more a year, you become a member of Reporters Without Borders USA, supporting the fight for press freedom in every corner of the globe. As a member, we will help you:

  • Get more involved in defending freedom of the press and information: Members can participate in our activities and lend support to any demonstrations and campaigns RSF USA undertakes.
  • Be informed about the state of press freedom around the world: Members receive information every month about the latest attacks on press freedom and how we plan to challenge them.
  • Support the actions of Reporters Without Borders: Members’ contributions are crucial to fund Reporters Without Borders' activities and assistance programs.

Don't wait until you're deprived of information before you fight for it. Join us today!

Membership Benefits

As a member, you will receive a toolkit to help amplify your voice in the fight for freedom of information and the press:

  • Personalized membership certificate
  • Monthly membership action alerts
  • Access to electronic versions of yearly analyses for the World Press Freedom Index (including worldwide and regional reports)
  • Printable copy of the latest World Press Freedom Index map
  • Insider updates to upcoming press freedom events (including exclusive members only events)
  • Annual report of RSF USA’s activities delivered to your inbox

Gift a RSF USA Membership

Did you know that you can gift an RSF USA Membership? To give the gift of press freedom to a loved one, colleague, or friend, simply make your gift of $100 or more here and in the "Write a Note (Optional)" box, type the name and email address of the individual you would like to gift a membership to. If you would like to follow-up with our team and be sure it has been successfully gifted, simply email us at [email protected].

Membership Options for Students

Students have the option of becoming members of RSF USA for no fee as long as they have a valid school email address. If a school has at least five student members, they are eligible to start a university chapter. For more information on becoming a student member or starting a university chapter of RSF, visit our Students and University Chapters page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about your membership or would like to know more before joining, please contact us at [email protected].

About Reporters Without Borders USA

Reporters Without Borders USA (RSF USA) is the US office of the global organization, Reporters Sans Frontieres, the largest press freedom organization in the world with almost 30 years of experience. With a unique global network of 130 local correspondents, a dozen national offices, and a consultative status at the UN and UNESCO, RSF is able to have a global impact, gather on-the-ground information, conduct major advocacy campaigns, and assist and defend news providers all across the world.

Reporters Without Borders USA is a 501(c)(3) organization carrying out the mission of protecting and defending journalists working both internationally and in the United States. From an office based in Washington, DC, the US team works with the American media, political leaders, non-government groups, and the American public to further press freedom. It is financially independent of the International Secretariat in Paris, France.

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When you become an Ally member of RSF USA, you are supporting the first amendment, the flow of information, and independent journalism.

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When you become an Advocate member of RSF USA, you are supporting the first amendment, the flow of information, and independent journalism.

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Support press freedom.
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When you become a Guardian member of RSF USA, you are supporting the first amendment, the flow of information, and independent journalism.

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