RSF can insure journalists going on reporting trips abroad

Deux journalistes faces à un tank

Since March 2022, journalists who are members of Reporters Without Borders (RSF) have been able to take advantage of a new kind of insurance specifically designed for journalists going on reporting trips outside the country where they live.

Getting insurance tailored to their needs is often a challenge for journalists setting off on reporting trips abroad, especially when heading for countries that are a theatre of war or experiencing a great deal of tension. Nevertheless, appropriate insurance cover is essential so that reporters can get the right kind of assistance if they need it.

This is why RSF has partnered with battleface, a company specialising in travel insurance, to offer cover that includes emergency medical care, hospitalisation, medical repatriation, and even equipment insurance.

Thanks to its extensive experience of insuring reporters, battleface knows how to adapt to their specific needs. It has a dedicated website where journalists can obtain insurance cover at any time online, and battleface staff are available 24/7 to answer questions from journalists seeking information about the various forms of cover available or about a policy to which they have already signed up.

Since March 2022, nearly 400 reporters have taken out the battleface insurance that is available to journalists – both freelancers and news media staff members – who are members of RSF International or members of one of the RSF sections that exist in various European countries.

Details of the cover available and contact details for getting more information can be found at this dedicated page for journalists and media:


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