Reporters Without Borders (RSF) UK

Photo of Big Ben

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Our Work

RSF's UK bureau opened in 2016. We monitor, raise awareness of and work to improve the climate for press freedom in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales and to advance RSF's international priorities and campaigns. RSF UK has a seat on the National Committee for the Safety of Journalists, and acts as the Secretariat for the All Party Parliamentary Group on Media Freedom.

Examples of our day-to-day activities include:

  • Advising government on legislation that impacts press freedom
  • Monitoring and documenting abuses of press freedom
  • Collating and distributing RSF's annual World Press Freedom Index
  • Working closely with the legal teams of journalists who have been harmed, imprisoned or killed.
  • Publishing original research on matters that impact press freedom
  • Working with police, social media platforms and other partners to improve journalism safety
  • Supporting exiled journalists
  • Raising awareness of issues of press freedom through public-facing events and media interviews

We also collaborate with like-minded organizations to further our mission. 



Reporters Without Borders UK depends on funding from our community and like-minded individuals to protect journalists and defend press freedom. There are multiple ways to give to RSF UK

  • Donate through our online giving portal hereAll donations in GBP come to the London bureau.
  • Send a cheque for any amount to: Reporters Without Borders, 6th Floor, 2 London Wall Place, London, EC2Y 5AU
  • If you prefer to donate via bank transfer, please email [email protected]



Fiona O'Brien, UK Bureau Director

Fiona joined RSF in February 2023, having previously run the MA in Journalism at Kingston University. She spent many years as a foreign correspondent, mostly in the Middle East and Africa and has degrees from Cambridge University and King's College London. 

Felicity Garvey, UK Advocacy Officer

Felicity has a background in advocacy, research and international programme coordination, having previously worked for Amjad and Suha Bseisu Foundation, the Council for Arab British Understanding, and Amnesty International's Digital Verification Corps. She has degrees from Cambridge University in Politics and International Relations, Management Studies and Development Studies. 

Want to work for RSF UK? Vacancies are posted here

About the RSF UK Advisory Board

RSF UK has an Advisory Board, made up of a collection of individuals who bring unique knowledge, skills and influence to RSF. The Advisory Board meets regularly and supports RSF UK's director with bureau development and strategy. 

Bénédicte Paviot  - Chair of board, TV and radio journalist.

Paul Conroy - photojournalist and filmmaker

William Horsley -  co-founder and international director of the Centre for Freedom of the Media (CFOM) at the University of Sheffield.

Dr David Levy  - journalist, media policy expert and academic.

Lady Evelyn Lloyd - journalist, presenter and broadcaster.

Eleanor Mills - editor, writer and broadcaster.

Angela Mills Wade -  executive director of the European Publishers Council and founder and chairman of Europe Analytica.

Jonathan Price - barrister at Doughty Street Chambers, with a specialism in media and human rights law.

Jon Snow  - journalist and presenter.

Can Yeğinsu  - barrister and arbitrator, and member of the independent High-level Panel of Legal Experts on Media Freedom



For UK-related statements, see RSF's main UK page

Other recent bureau publications include:

Written evidence on the decline of press freedom in Hong Kong, submitted to the APPG on Hong Kong


Contact us

General and Press Inquiries: Fiona O'Brien [email protected]

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