Reporters Without Borders returns ETA to its list of press freedom predators

Reporters Without Borders has decided, in consultation with its Spanish section, journalists, trade unions and professional associations, to restore the terrorist Basque group ETA to its list of press freedom predators, released on 3 May 2006. "Our decision to withdraw ETA from this list was premature and we have therefore decided to immediately put it back into the list of predators,” the press freedom organisation said. “We will continue a high level of vigilance towards the safety of journalists in Spain. We now wait for ETA to keep its promise to abandon the use of violence, allowing Spanish journalists to work in complete safety again. We will review our list of predators next year in the hope that there will have been positive developments between now and then and that we will finally be able to remove from our list the only predator of press freedom within the European Union.” ETA was first included in Reporters Without Borders' list of press freedom predators in 2001, following a number of bombings and other attacks targeting the media and journalists. Scores of Spanish journalists are still working under armed guard because of threats made against them by the armed Basque organisation.
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Updated on 20.01.2016