Reporters Without Borders activists protest outside Algerian embassy on newspaper editor's 500th day in prison

Unfurling banners and handing out leaflets, a score of Reporters Without Borders activists demonstrated outside the Algerian embassy in Paris today to mark Algerian newspaper editor Mohamed Benchicou's 500th day in prison. Balloons in the colours of the Algerian flag were tied to the embassy railings with small bags of medicines attached in an additional gesture of support for Benchicou, who has been seriously ill for several months.

Unfurling banners and handing out leaflets, a score of Reporters Without Borders activists demonstrated outside the Algerian embassy in Paris today to mark Algerian newspaper editor Mohamed Benchicou's 500th day in prison. Balloons in the colours of the Algerian flag were tied to the embassy railings with small bags of medicines attached in an additional gesture of support for Benchicou, who has been seriously ill for several months. The Algerian cartoonist Ali Dilem drew a cartoon for the occasion. “Mohamed Benchicou has now been in prison for 500 days,” Reporters Without Borders said. “We reiterate our request for his release and we voice our outrage at the obstinacy of the Algerian authorities in continuing to hound him. We are very worried about his health, which has declined sharply in recent months. He risks being paralysed if he does not get proper treatment soon. The Algerian government is responsible for his condition and must free him at once.” The press freedom organisation also tried to hand in a letter to the Algerian ambassador formally requesting Benchicou's immediate release. “We insist today that the Algerian authorities stop harassing this journalist and free him at once,” the letter said, adding, “Mohamed Benchicou has been detained since 14 June 2004 and has already paid too high a price for his right to free expression.” The editor of the daily Le Matin, Benchicou has been the target of many libel actions in recent years and is serving a 30-month prison sentence. His newspaper opposed President Bouteflika during his campaign for re-election in April 2004 and has been banned since 23 July 2004. Benchicou is also the author of a book entitled “Bouteflika, an Algerian impostor,” that was published in February 2004.
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Updated on 20.01.2016