Reopening of Politkovskaya probe offers “degree of hope”
The Russian supreme court today ordered that the case against three alleged accomplices to journalist Anna Politkovskaya’s murder should be returned to the prosecutor’s office for further investigation, overturning a lower court ruling on 7 August blocking this possibility.
A representative of the prosecutor general said the investigation into the accomplices would be combined with the investigation into those who carried out Politkovskaya’s October 2006 murder and those who ordered it.
“Like Politkovskaya’s relatives, who appealed against the 7 August decision, we are relieved by the supreme court’s ruling,” Reporters Without Borders said. “Sending the case back for further investigation revives a degree of hope that the facts may yet emerge. We nonetheless fear that the security forces will block all attempts to solve this murder. More effort and more vigilance are needed if the truth is ever to be established.”
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(photo AP)
Read the preceding releases
- Politkovskaya family appeals against judge’s decision to block further investigation
- In new boost to impunity, court blocks further investigation into Politkovskaya murder
- What can be expected from retrial of those accused in Politkovskaya murder?
(Photo AP)
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