“Relief and delight” at news of release of French journalists

Reporters Without Borders today welcomed with “relief and delight” news of the release from Chad of Marc Garmirian, cameraman-journalist with the Capa TV agency, Jean-Daniel Guillou, photographer for the Synchro X agency and Marie-Agnès Peleran, journalist on France 3 Mediterranean television.

Reporters Without Borders today welcomed with “relief and delight” news of the release from Chad of Marc Garmirian, cameraman-journalist with the Capa TV agency, Jean-Daniel Guillou, photographer for the Synchro X agency and Marie-Agnès Peleran, journalist on France 3 Mediterranean television. The Agence France-Presse (AFP) news agency reported that the examining magistrate in the case of the attempt to transport 103 African children to France had notified the lawyer for the French journalists of the ‘lifting of the holding order under Articles 248 and 249 of criminal procedure'. “They have not been cleared and are still under examination in the Zoé's Ark case,” the lawyer said, but he added, “They can leave Chad”. “The Chadian justice system has shown discernment and wisdom in releasing the three French journalists. We hope that they will shortly be completely cleared,” the worldwide press freedom organisation said. “The campaign by everyone, families and friends, meant it was possible to provide proof of the exact status of our colleagues and their impartiality in this case,” the organisation said. “We also salute the effectiveness and determination of the French diplomatic corps. From Day one, members of the military and the consul at Abéché have shown their commitment to resolving the plight of the journalists". The organisation also paid tribute to the families of the three journalists, who it said, had courageously faced ten particularly testing days.
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Updated on 20.01.2016