New appeal to Alan Johnston's kidnappers on the eve of his 45th birthday

On the eve of BBC correspondent Alan Johnston's 45th birthday tomorrow, Reporters Without Borders again appealed to his kidnappers to release him. His family, friends and colleagues have received no news of him since he was taken hostage in the Gaza Strip on 12 March, more than two months ago. “Johnston's absence is felt all the more keenly as he prepares to spend his birthday in captivity,” the press freedom organisation said. “Each day that passes brings more suffering for his family, to whom we express our full support. He will be on our mind until he is freed. We ask his kidnappers not to put his life in danger. Whatever their cause, it cannot be won at the expense of his freedom.” Reporters Without Borders added: “Johnston's fate is more uncertain than ever as Gaza City sinks deeper into the chaos and bloody clashes that began several months ago. The failure of President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Ismael Haniyeh to ensure respect for a truce between Hamas and Fatah raises doubts about their ability to obtain his release in the near future.” If the security situation allows it, Reporters Without Borders plans to mark Johnston's 45th birthday by having a large photo of him unveiled outside the parliament building in Gaza City tomorrow. The city has this week seen some of the bloodiest fighting since the installation of the Fatah-Hamas national unity government. Interior minister Hani Al-Qawasmeh's resignation two days ago and the increase in heavy artillery clashes pose additional obstacles to Johnston's release. Gunmen today fired on the Reuters bureau in central Gaza City to prevent its journalists from filming what was happening in the street outside. No one was hurt.
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Updated on 20.01.2016