“Moussa Kaka must be free” - African artists, performers, journalists, lawyers and academics try to convince President Mamadou Tandja

Achille Mbembe, Pius Njawé, Youssou N'Dour, Tiken Jah Fakoly, Claudy Siar, Mokobe, and Angélique Kidjo, journalists and lawyers from all over Africa and some of Ethiopia's former political prisoners from November 2005 are among the first people to sign the Reporters Without Borders petition for the release of its Niger correspondent, Moussa Kaka.

Reporters Without Borders is today publishing a list of the first 68 people to sign the petition, which will remain open until Moussa Kaka is freed. Send a message of support to this address to sign: [email protected]. The manager of Radio Saraouniya and Niger correspondent of Radio France Internationale and Reporters Without Borders, Kaka was arrested on 20 September and charged with “complicity in a conspiracy against state authority” because he had been in frequent contact with the Tuareg rebels of the Niger People's Movement for Justice (MNJ), including one of its leaders. The maximum penalty is life imprisonment. "Moussa Kaka must be freed
We, African journalists, artists, performers and lawyers, do not understand why Moussa Kaka continues to rot in Niamey prison. We have listened to your ministers and they have not convinced us. We have examined the so-called “evidence” against him produced by Niger's judicial authorities. One of your ministers thought it should have dealt us a “crushing blow.” Nothing of the sort. Kaka is innocent of the charge of “complicity in a conspiracy against state authority” and he must be freed. Mr. President, Kaka is not a “bandit” as some of your ministers insist. He is a journalist. His job is to report what is happening, even the things that some people would like to hide. He listens to all those who are making history, not only government ministers and presidents, but also rebels and those who are marginalised. And he does this job well. Too well, it seems for a government that would like to dismiss an armed rebellion as a mere problem of “people setting up roadblocks.” Too well for a government that has given way to anger after some its soldiers were killed. It is true that Kaka does not take orders from you. His only crime is not being a good little soldier in the pay of a government that has been destabilised, a government that wants to see only one interpretation of events. This is not his job. His journalistic instincts do not allow this. Keeping him in prison will just make things worse. Niger has a lot to lose." The first people to sign the petition are (details in French):

- Achille Mbembe, professeur de Sciences politiques et d'histoire, Cameroun
- Tiken Jah Fakoly, artiste, Côte d'Ivoire
- Youssou N'Dour, artiste, Sénégal
- Mokobe (du groupe 113), artiste, France
- Angélique Kidjo, chanteuse, Bénin
- Pius Njawé, directeur de publication, Le Messager
- Claudy Siar, journaliste, RFI, France
- Eugénie Diecky, journaliste, Africa n°1, France
- Lanciné Camara, directeur de publication, Le Devoir africain et UIJA, France
- Sy Koumbo Singa Gali, fondatrice, L'Observateur, Tchad
- Souleymane Diallo, directeur de publication, Le Lynx / La Lance, Guinée
- Demba Ali Jawo, rédacteur en chef, African Press Agency (APA), Gambie
- Pap Saine, direccteur de publication, The Point, Gambie
- Donat M'Baya Tshimanga, Journaliste en danger (JED), RD Congo
- Tshivis Tshivuadi, Journaliste en danger (JED), RD Congo
- Ingo Vediena, Journaliste en danger (JED), RD Congo
- Me Edouard Mukendi, avocat, RD Congo
- Me Clément Kabemba, avocat, RD Congo
- Bertin Tumba Mpoyi, avocat, RD Congo
- Me Philo Kaluba, avocat, RD Congo
- Jean-Pierre Amisso, journaliste, RD Congo
- Tuver Wundi, journaliste, RD Congo
- Flory Ngongo, journaliste, RD Congo
- John Zodzi, journaliste, Reuters, Togo
- Michael Didama, directeur de publication, Le Temps, Tchad
- Omar Faruk Osman, secrétaire général, NUSOJ, Somalie
- Abdimalik Yusuf Mohamud, directeur, Radio Shabelle, Somalie
- Serkalem Fasil, directrice, Asqual, Menilik et Satenaw, Ethiopie
- Eskinder Nega, directeur, Asqual, Menilik et Satenaw, Ethiopie
- Dereje Habtewold, rédacteur en chef adjoint, Netsanet, Ethiopie
- Nardos Meaza, rédacteur en chef, Satenaw, Ethiopie
- Fasil Yenealem, directeur de publication, Addis Zena, Ethiopie
- Feleke Tibebu, rédacteur en chef adjoint, Hadar, Ethiopie
- Mesfin Tesfaye, rédacteur en chef, Abay, Ethiopie
- Andualem Ayele, rédacteur en chef, Ethiop, Ethiopie
- Wonakseged Zeleke, rédacteur en chef, Asqual, Ethiopie
- Fassil Assefa, chroniqueur, Meznagna, Ethiopie
- Getachew Sime, journaliste, Addis Admas, Ethiopie
- Zekarias Tesfaye, directeur de publication, Netsanet, Ethiopie
- Haylebegriel Yimer, rédacteur en chef, Kumneger, Ethiopie
- Alfredo Libombo, journaliste, Mozambique
- Jules Koum Koum, directeur de publication, Le Jeune Observateur, Cameroun
- Nicaise Kibel'Bel Oka, directeur de publication, Les Coulisses, RD Congo
- Laldjim Narcisse, journaliste, Le Temps, Tchad
- Deuzoumbé Daniel Passalet, Droits de l'homme sans frontières, Tchad
- Mahamat Moussa Abba, vice-président, Union des journalistes tchadiens, Tchad
- Roger Mancienne, directeur de publication, Regar, Seychelles
- Pauline Ferrari, fondatrice, ASDH/HRAS, Seychelles
- Brahim Hormatallah, expert en communication, Paris
- Abdallah Hormatallah, journaliste, Le Calame, Mauritanie
- Randy Donné, journaliste, Madagascar
- James Ramarosaona, directeur de publication, La Gazette de la Grande Île, Madagascar
- Yves-Laurent Goma, journaliste, RFI, Gabon
- Pasco Temple, journaliste, Panapress, Sierra Leone
- Pedro Nolasco Ndong, journaliste, ASOLPEGE-Libre, Guinée équatoriale
- Donato Ndongo Biyogo, journaliste, ASOLPEGE-Libre, Guinée équatoriale
- Francisco Zamora Loboch, journaliste, ASOLPEGE-Libre, Guinée équatoriale
- Joaquín Mbomio Bacheng, journaliste, ASOLPEGE-Libre, Guinée équatoriale
- Rodrigo Angüe Nguema, journaliste, ASOLPEGE-Libre, Guinée équatoriale
- Sinecio Ngua Esono, journaliste, ASOLPEGE-Libre, Guinée équatoriale
- Fermín Nvo Mbomio, journaliste, ASOLPEGE-Libre, Guinée équatoriale
- Albert Twizeyimana, journaliste, Syfia Grands-Lacs, Rwanda
- Crispin Jomah, secrétaire de rédaction, The Monitor, Liberia
- Dominick Mwita, journaliste, The Reporter, Tanzanie
- Samy Passalet, journaliste, Tchad
- Joel Ralaivaohita, journaliste, MBS, Madagascar
- Ayodele Ale Lucas, journaliste, The Saturday Punch, Nigeria
- Déo Namujimbo, journaliste, RD Congo
-Amar Bensalem, journaliste, RFI, Algérie
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Updated on 20.01.2016