Media boss and radio presenter gunned down in Pernambuco

Reporters Without Borders said today that the murder of radio station owner and presenter José Givonaldo Vieira, shot dead at the door of his offices bore the hallmarks of an “execution”. Two assailants fired five shots from a car at the proprietor of Radio Bezerros who also presented a programme, in Bezerros about 100 kilometres from Recife in the north-east on 14 December. He was hit twice in the head and died on his way to the hospital. He also owned the daily newspaper, Folha do Agreste. Although the murder appeared to be an instigated killing, the father of the victim said that his son had no enemies. However a retired judge and former parliamentarian close to the family, Clóvis Correia, was quoted by the daily O Globo as saying that Givonaldo had been known to rile some local political figures. The programme he presented, “Bezerros Comunidade”, took a critical line towards the local authorities. “There is no evidence yet to link the killing to Givonaldo Vieira’s work activities, but a political motive cannot be ruled out given this media boss’s influence on local life and whose radio programme had a large following”, the worldwide press freedom organisation said. “The north-east is mired in organised crime and drug trafficking and remains a highly dangerous area for the press. We hope that the personal involvement in this case of the governor of Pernambouc, Eduardo Campos, will mean there will be a swift outcome to the investigation”, it added. The media owner was aged 40 and was the father of two children, aged 10 and 11 years. The killing bore similarities to that of Jota Cândido, of Radio Comunitaria Alternativa (see release of 6 July 2005), who was also shot dead outside his offices, in Carpina, in Pernambuco state, on 1st July 2005. The journalist, who was a local councillor, had been having a run-in with the mayor over his regular exposes on corruption.
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Updated on 16.10.2016