Judicial authorities refuse to register journalist's complaint about attack by prime minister's bodyguards

Reporters Without Borders today called on justice minister Limam Ould Teguedi to intervene to ensure that the police and judicial authorities investigate an attack on journalist Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Moghdad of state-owned Radio Mauritanie, who was beaten by the prime minister's bodyguards on 16 August. “The government said in a 21 August statement that it was outraged by the attack, so we assumed there would be a proper investigation,” the press freedom organisation said. “The creation of a special commission of enquiry does not exempt the authorities from following the standard judicial procedures. Moghdad has a right to have his case examined by the judicial authorities.” Moghdad's lawyer, Mohamed Sidina Ould Mohamed Salem, said the state prosecutor refused to register his client's complaint the day after the attack, claiming that additional documents needed to be submitted. Salem tried to file a complaint again on 21 August, after obtaining additional documents including medical certificates. But the prosecutor's office again refused to register the complaint. The prime minister announced the creation of a commission to investigate the attack on Moghdad, but so far neither Moghdad nor his lawyer have had access to any information about the enquiry. ----------------------------------------------------------- 20.08.2007 Prime Minister's bodyguards beat radio reporter, First Lady sues newspaper editor Reporters Without Borders today condemned a physical attack on radio journalist Mohamed Mahmoud Ould Moghdad by the prime minister's bodyguards on 16 August, as well as a charge of “libelling the First Lady” that was brought against newspaper editor Sidi Mohamed Ould Ebbe on 18 August, which could result in prison sentence. “Press freedom had made some progress in Mauritania, especially during the last elections, but the attack on Moghdad is a step backwards as regards the physical safety of journalists,” the press freedom organisation said. “As for the First Lady, while she has the right to sue for libel, she should remember that she is a public figure who can expect to be exposed to comment and criticism from the media. In this kind of case, the right of response is preferable to legal action.” While covering a visit by Prime Minister Zein Ould Zeidane to the health ministry for state-owned Radio Mauritanie on 16 August, Moghdad left the news conference room for a few moments and was stopped by the prime minister's head bodyguard, Zein Ould Soueydatt, on his return. When Moghdad showed his press card and tried to enter, Soueydatt ordered his men to beat him. In a statement condemning the attack, the High Authority for the Print and Broadcast Media (HAPA) said “no circumstances may justify the use of physical force against journalists doing their job.” The libel charge was brought against Ebbe, the editor of the privately-owned daily El Bedil Athalith, on 18 August in response to a complaint filed by the First Lady four days earlier about two stories accusing her of using her position to request funding for a charity she heads. Ebbe told the press he was “ready for a compromise” and denied that the articles “aimed to attack the First Lady.” He has been questioned by the state prosecutor and is due to appear before a Nouakchott criminal court on 22 August. Under Mauritania's press law, he could be fined or imprisoned if convicted. In October 2005, Reporters Without Borders assisted a commission comprised of independent journalists, jurists and senior officials which had the job of drafting a new press law that would decriminalize press offences, including defamation. However, contrary to the commission's recommendations, jail terms were added to the law when it was promulgated in October 2006.
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Updated on 20.01.2016