Human rights activist Hu Jia to be tried on 18 March on subversion charge / 中国政府为审判胡佳做准备,形势对胡佳非常不&…

Reporters Without Borders today urged the international community to keep up the pressure on behalf of human rights activist Hu Jia, who is to be tried on 18 March 2008 on a charge of "inciting subversion of state authority". The organisation reiterates its call for his immediate and unconditional release. “The authorities have scheduled Hu's trial for 18 March although no guarantees of fairness or transparency have been given,” the press freedom organisation said. “The recent arrest of one of his friends, lawyer Teng Biao, is an especially disturbing sign. Diplomats and journalists must insist on being free to attend the hearings.” One of Hu's lawyers, Li Fangping, told the media today that the date for Hu's trial before the Beijing people's intermediate court No. 1 was set just one week after the complaint was formally registered with the Beijing prosecutor's office. The evidence file submitted by the political police reportedly weighed more than 4 kilos. Hu's other lawyer, Li Jingsong said he will plead not guilty on behalf of his client, who faces the possibility of a long jail term. The police investigation has reportedly concentrated on articles by Hu that were posted online, especially on the overseas Chinese-run website Boxun, and on some of his statements to the foreign press about the Olympic Games. Li Fangping said Chinese citizens would be free to attend the trial. But Hu's wife, Zeng Jinyan, although she will probably be called as a witness, will not be able to attend. She has not seen Hu since his arrest on 27 December. Human rights lawyer Teng Biao was released by the authorities on 8 March after being held and interrogated in complete secrecy for two days. A close friend and supporter of Hu and his wife, Zeng Jinyan, he was arrested by police on the evening of 6 March and was bundled into an official car with a bag over his dead. "This is all I can tell you for the moment, it would not be appropriate to say any more," he said. Another lawyer, Li Heping, was attacked by public security officers at he was driving his son to school in Beijing on the morning of 7 March. The police car that had been following him from his home deliberately drove into the back of his car. As a result, he has been suffering back pains. Li, who is under permanent police surveillance, was kidnapped and beaten on 29 September, and was warned against continuing to support Hu Jia. -------------------- 无国界记者呼吁国际社会动员起来并采取具体行动,以免胡佳被以“煽动颠覆国家政权”的罪名而判刑。无国界记者再次要求中国当局立即无条件释放胡佳。 “很多迹象表明中国政府计划在近期内审判胡佳,但却没有任何公平、透明审判的迹象。比较接近胡佳的滕彪律师最近被捕是一个尤其令人不安的信号。如果胡佳的官司在近期开庭审判,各国的外交官和记者们应该有权列席旁听。”无国界记者发表声明。 胡佳的律师李方平在3月7日收到通知说起诉胡佳“煽动颠覆国家政权”的起诉书已经被北京市检察院受理立案。这份由政治警察移交给检察院的起诉材料重达四公斤。北京市第一中级人民法院有可能在近期内对胡佳案进行公开审理,而后者有可能被判以重刑。警方的调查主要集中在胡佳曾经发表在网上尤其是博讯网上的文章,还有一些他对外国媒体发表的关于奥运会的言论。“开庭只是时间问题。”李方平表示。 胡佳的另一名律师李劲松则对自由亚洲电台表示官司有可能在这周就开庭,并有可能是对外公开的,因为到目前为止,当局还没有表示这起官司“涉及国家机密”。 律师滕彪在被秘密拘捕并审问两天后于2月8日被释放。他是胡佳及其妻子曾金燕的朋友和支持者,他于2月6日晚被警察问话,警察是把他强行扭进警车的,还给他头上戴了一个袋子。“这就是目前我所能告诉你们的。没必要继续说太多。”滕彪表示。 此外,维权律师李和平在近期也被国保人员恶意伤害。3月7日早上,李和平驾车送儿子上学,国保的车在后面跟踪他,并“不小心”地撞上了他的车尾,李和平因此背部受伤。李和平因为公开支持胡佳,在2007年9月29日曾遭不明人士殴打并一直被警察监视居住。
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Updated on 20.01.2016