France 3 TV crew threatened in video posted online by abductors
Reporters Without Borders is extremely concerned about two French TV journalists and their Afghan assistants after a video of them was posted online by their Taliban abductors yesterday. Identified by the French government and their employer, France 3 television, only as Hervé and Stéphane, the two journalists have been held hostage since late December.
“We are aware that the two French journalists were forced by their abductors to say what they said in the video,” Reporters Without Borders said. “It is vital that the French authorities take the execution threats seriously.”
The press freedom organisation added: “The blackmail methods used by the Taliban are unacceptable and place the journalists’ families and colleagues in a terrible situation. We reiterate our appeal for their immediate and unconditional release.”
The French journalists and their three Afghan assistants, who were working for the France 3 programme “Pièces à conviction,” were kidnapped in Kapisa province on 30 December. As well as for the two journalists, Reporters Without Borders is particularly concerned for their Afghan fixer, Mohammed Reza.
The video shows Hervé and Stéphane reading statements in English and French saying they will be executed if the French authorities do not meet the demands of their Taliban abductors. The two journalists, who appeared to have lost weight and seemed very tired, said the Taliban wanted France 3 to broadcast the video.
Reading a message in English, Hervé said: “This is message is the last message to the French government.” Speaking from a bed and appearing very nervous, Stéphane read a message addressed directly to French President Nicolas Sarkozy.
The messages from the two journalists were followed by a message in Pashto saying: “The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan submitted a list of very ordinary prisoners to the French government for release in exchange for the two French citizens and their Afghan colleagues. But the French government showed no interest, consideration or compassion for the release of its citizens. There is no other option.”
The video, which lasts three minutes, was posted on Islamist websites yesterday. An earlier video was released by the abductors in February.
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