EU must stop its double standards with Turkey

The European Federation of Journalists (EFJ), the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ), the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) and Reporters Without Borders (RSF) will hold a lunch time debate at the Brussels Press Club on Tuesday, 15 December at 1pm to discuss recent developments on press freedom in Turkey and reactions from the EU institutions. Speakers will include: Jean-Paul Marthoz, CPJ Europe
Mehmet Koksal, EFJ
Johann Bihr, RSF
Marthoz will review the recent positions taken by the EU in relation to Turkey while Koksal will review the recent positions taken by Turkey and the press in Turkish in relation with the EU. Bihr will give a brief overview of the press freedom situation in Turkey with a special focus on imprisoned journalists The event will be followed by a networking drink. We expect a lot of interest groups will attend this event including: EU press correspondents, journalists, trade unionists, EU policy-makers, NGOs, and members of the wider Brussels diplomatic personnel. Registration for this event is not required. Just show up and join the debate! Location: Press Club Brussels Europe, Rue Froissart, 95 – 1040, Brussels
Date and time: Tuesday, 15 December at 1pm
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Updated on 08.03.2016