Deutsche Welle's annual search for the best blogs - Reporters Without Borders again a partner

Reporters Without Borders urges Internet users to participate in the international weblog competition which
Deutsche Welle is organising for the fourth year running. The "BOBs - Best of the Blogs" offer a broad
overview of the rapidly-evolving blogosphere and enable blog fans to share their favourites.

Reporters Without Borders is yet again a partner in the international weblog competition, the “BOBs - Best of the Blogs,” which Germany's public broadcaster Deutsche Welle is today launching for the fourth year running. What are The BOBs? For the next four weeks, Internet users are invited to go to to nominate the best blogs in 15 categories. The competition is open to blogs, podcasts and videoblogs in the following 10 languages - Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, English, Farsi, French, German, Portugese, Russian and Spanish. The BOBs are the world's biggest international blog awards and offer a broad overview of the blogosphere, the rapidly evolving world of weblogs, videoblogs and podcasts. The winners are chosen by the public and a jury. Last year, more than 5,500 blogs were nominated and more than 100,000 Internet users took part in the online voting. The timeline All bloggers and blog fans can go to the BOBs website until 30 September to nominate their favourite blogs. An international jury of journalists, media specialists and bloggers will then sift through the nominations and choose a shortlist of finalists. The winners will be determined by a combination of online voting from 23 October to 15 November and jury decision. The awards will be announced at a public ceremony on the evening of November 15 at the Museum for Communication in Berlin. For more informations, see :
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Updated on 25.01.2016