On the day the Olympic torch is lit, poll shows a majority of French people back boycott of Olympics Opening Ceremony by Nicolas Sarkozy and a strong stance by the IOC

Some 53% of French people want their president, Nicolas Sarkozy, to boycott the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games and 71% want the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to put pressure on China over human rights, according to a poll by the CSA polling institute.

Reporters Without Borders asked the CSA to carry out a survey of more than 900 people on 19 and 20 March on their attitude to the Beijing Olympics

The aim was to test their responses to various possible forms of protest in relation to the Games in the Chinese capital: a boycott of the opening by political leaders, a boycott of events by sports competitors, withdrawal of sponsors and the intervention of the IOC on the Chinese authorities.

Those polled were asked: The next Olympic Games are due to take place in Beijing in August 2008. Organisations and personalities have put forward proposals to protest against the current state of human rights in China. Are you for or against each of these proposals?
- A boycott of the 8 August Opening Ceremony by President Nicolas Sarkozy
o For: 53%
o Against: 42%
o Don't know: 5%
- A boycott of the Olympic Games by French competitors o For: 41%
o Against: 55%
o Don't know: 4%

Some major western companies are sponsoring the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Would you say that it is...?
- A good thing, because they are identifying themselves with the spirit of this sporting competition: 45%
- A bad thing, because in this way they are supporting what is happening in China: 46%
- Don't know: 9%

With a few months to go before the Beijing Olympics, some personalities and organisations want the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to call on the Chinese authorities to release freedom of expression activists. Are you...?
- For, because it is the role of the IOC to obtain guarantees of respect of human rights before the Olympic Games are held in a country: 71%
- Against, because it is not the role of the IOC: 25%
- Don't know: 4%

You can follow all the reactions, throughout the day, in Libération and on France Info.
Published on
Updated on 20.01.2016