Concern at statements by Palestine Journalists Syndicate

Reporters Without Borders today urged the Palestine Journalists Syndicate (PJS) to drop its ban on journalists reporting freely on disputes between Palestinians. 

The union announced on 20 July that journalists would face "penalties" if they "deal with or handle any type of statements or publications that touch on internal events and carry between their lines words that slander, libel or harm others." Demonstrations and clashes have taken place in recent days after the 17 July appointment (since cancelled) of Palestinian President Yasser Arafat's cousin Musa as the Palestinian Authority's overall security chief. The PJS said the media should not report on, photograph or film "armed marches" and stressed "the necessity of publishing and covering any activities that support national unity and protection of the internal front." Reporters Without Borders said it was concerned at such pressure on journalists and called on the PJS to drop the ban as it had done with a similar one in March 2002 about pictures of children carrying weapons. The worldwide press freedom organisation also noted that "the priority of a journalists' union is to protect journalists against obstructions and abuses of power they encounter in their work."   It said that rather than "trying to promote the national interest by helping to curb press freedom, which it is supposed to defend,  the PJS should lobby the Palestinian authorities to seriously investigate numerous unresolved cases of physical attacks by Palestinians on journalists." Reporters Without Borders has recorded many such attacks since September 2003.  They include a dozen journalists targeted by armed groups or security officials, the ransacking of the offices of the satellite TV station Al-Arabiya and the Gaza weekly Al-Dar, and the murder in Gaza on 2 March this year of Khalil al-Zebin, editor of the fortnightly An-Nashra.
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Updated on 20.01.2016