Concern about mounting press freedom violations over Mohammed cartoons

Jihad Momani was arrested in Amman today, two days after being fired as editor of the weekly Shihan for reprinting three of the controversial cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed. Reporters Without Borders is also concerned by the banning of foreign newspapers in Tunisia and Morocco.

Reporters Without Borders called for the immediate release of Jihad Momani, who was arrested in Amman on the orders of public prosecutor Saber al-Rawashdeh today, two days after being fired from his job as editor of the weekly Shihan for reprinting some of the cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed that have triggered an outcry in the Muslim world. “We already objected to Momani's dismissal, but his arrest is utterly unacceptable,” Reporters Without Borders said. “He was just doing his job when he chose to reprint some of the controversial cartoons, as have dozens of other publications throughout the world. Imprisoning him for an editorial decision is totally unjustified.” The press freedom organisation continued: “The Jordanian authorities have been among the most acrimonious since the start of this controversy. Ten days ago, the Jordanian parliament called for the cartoonists to be punished. Now the judicial authorities are getting involved and have had a journalist imprisoned.” The judicial authorities are also investigating another newspaper, Al-Mehwar, which reprinted some of the cartoons in its 26 January issue. “The mere fact that this weekly reprinted these cartoons renders its editor, Hashem al-Khalidi, responsible before the law,” a judicial official told Agence France-Presse. Reporters Without Borders added: “We are concerned about the increase in these press freedom violations. Morocco and Tunisia have also banned the distribution of foreign newspapers. Where is this going to stop? We understand that the caricatures of the Prophet have cause deep offence to Muslims, but there are ways to protest other than censoring a publication or imprisoning a journalist.” ______________________________________________________________________________________ 03.02.2006 Editor sacked for reprinting cartoons Reporters Without Borders today condemned the sacking of Jihad Momani, editor of the weekly Shihan, after the paper reprinted three of a collection of cartoons of the prophet Mohammed that have stirred controversy in Europe. The publishers announced his dismissal on 2 February, saying they "strongly objected" to the paper's action and promising to "severely punish" anyone involved in it. All copies of the paper were withdrawn from sale. Reporters Without Borders criticised the threat of further action.
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Updated on 20.01.2016