CBS journalist and Iraqi interpreter kidnapped from Basra hotel

Reporters Without Borders is very worried about the disappearance yesterday of a western journalist working for the US television network CBS and his Iraqi interpreter in the city of Basra, 590 km south of the capital. According to the latest reports, they were kidnapped by gunmen from a hotel in the centre of the city.

Reporters Without Borders is very worried about the disappearance yesterday of a western journalist working for the US television network CBS and his Iraqi interpreter in the city of Basra, 590 km south of the capital. According to the latest reports, they were kidnapped by gunmen from a hotel in the centre of the city. At least 15 journalists, all Iraqi, are currently held hostage in Iraq, which continues to be the world's most dangerous country for the media. Last year, 25 journalists and media assistants were kidnapped in Iraq. A total of 208 have been killed in connection with their work since the start of the US-led invasion in 2003. “The handover of authority in Basra to the Iraqi government in mid-December has not improved security in the city,” Reporters Without Borders said. “The Iraqi authorities must assume their responsibilities and take measures to reinforce the safety of the inhabitants. Yet again it is journalists who are paying dearly for the chronic insecurity in one of the country's biggest cities.” The press freedom organisation added: “With one month to go to the fifth anniversary of the start of the war, the number of journalists being targeted is not falling. We appeal to those who kidnapped the CBS employees to free them at once.” The CBS journalist and his interpreter were reportedly kidnapped by gunmen who entered the Hotel Quasr Al Sultan (Sultan's Palace) at dawn. CBS asked the media not to speculate on the identifies of those abducted and said it was doing everything possible to find them. The hotel owners, who witnessed the abduction, said they thought the kidnappers were bandits after a ransom rather than militiamen.
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Updated on 20.01.2016