Bomb attempt against Serbian television crew

A bomb was found on 27 March under the vehicle of a crew from
Serbian independent B92 television returning from reporting in Kosovo.
Reporters Without Borders called on theSerbian, Kosovar and
UNMIK authorities to find and punish the perpetrators.

Reporters Without Borders has expressed shock and outrage after a bomb was found under the vehicle of a crew from Serbian independent B92 television returning from reporting in Kosovo. "If the crew had not found the bomb before it exploded, five people could have been killed in this odious attack," the international press freedom organisation said. It called on the Serbian and Kosovar authorities along with the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) to find and punish the perpetrators in an exemplary fashion. This first attack against journalists since the recent upsurge of violence in Kosovo must not go unpunished. This would put the press in danger of fresh attacks and inflame the situation still further, the organisation said. With their driver Miodrag Novicevic, journalist Pedja Obradovic, cameraman Bosko Brankovic, his assistant Goran Stefanovic and technician Srdjan Rsumovic were returning on 27 March from Kosovska Mitrovica, in Kosovo, where they covered clashes that have shaken the majority Albanian province and left 30 dead. They had stopped in a car park at Raska, 150 kilometres south of Belgrade, when they spotted the bomb, which was not there the evening before when they left Kosovo. Police were able to defuse it.
Published on
Updated on 20.01.2016