Authorities arrest foreign TV journalists covering protest

Reporters Without Borders is appalled to learn that three Swedish TV journalists were arrested while preparing to cover an opposition demonstration in Baku on 17 April. The authorities have repeatedly violated the rights of Azerbaijani journalists since regular opposition demonstrations began last month, but now they are also targeting foreign reporters. My Rohwedder Street, Sharlotta Wikstrom and Charly Latravot, who work for Sweden’s First National TV, were arrested by security agents at around 4 p.m. in Sahil Square as they watched the start of a demonstration, and were taken to the immigration department, where they were accused of taking photos illegally. There are absolutely no grounds for their arrest as they had obtained accreditation from the foreign ministry. A colleague who was not arrested, Zolt Tsilkotsky, said they had not even taken any photos. Following the Swedish consulate’s intervention, the journalists were due to be deported this afternoon. My Rohwedder Street confirmed this to Reporters Without Borders. In an attempt to impose a complete news blackout on the unrest in Azerbaijan, the authorities are now even targeting foreign journalists with all the required permits. This latest media freedom violation in connection with the coverage of the opposition demonstrations is intolerable. It is disturbing to see that the arrests and beatings of journalist are becoming more and more frequent. Reporters Without Borders calls on the government not to turn journalists into scapegoats for the current wave of protests. The press freedom organization will closely follow activist and blogger Bakhtiyar Hajyiev’s trial, which is due to start tomorrow. He was arrested for relaying a call for an opposition demonstration to be held on 8 March. Photo : Turan
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Updated on 20.01.2016