Arrest of editor in chief of al-Ayyam

The 66-year-old editor of the daily al-Ayyam, Hisham Bashraheel, was arrested on 6 January, the day after the security forces lifted a 24-hour siege of his newspaper in Aden. One of his sons, managing editor, Hani Bashraheel, was also arrested at the same time. Another son of Hisham Bashraheel, Mohammed Hisham Bashraheel, was arrested on 5 January. It is not known where they are being held or what the charges against them are. --------- 05.01.2010 - Siege lifted of newspaper al-Ayyam Police today lifted a siege of the newspaper al-Ayyam, after 24 hours of clashes between security forces and the newspaper’s own armed guards. Sources contacted by Reporters Without Borders said that two people were killed in the confrontation, one newspaper guard and one member of the security forces. Seven more were injured.

Witnesses said that a guard mortally wounded a police officer and injured another, but this version of events was denied by the editor, Hisham Bashraheel, who said that police had deliberately fired on their own colleagues to make it appear as if demonstrators – who had rallied outside the banned newspaper to hold a solidarity ‘sit-in’ – had been armed.

Shooting that began yesterday resumed this morning and one guard was reportedly killed. Six were apparently then injured among both the security forces and the guards.

Around 30 people gave themselves up at the start of the afternoon today, including the editor’s son, Mohammed Hisham Bashraheel, after negotiations between the security forces and the daily paper’s management.


4 January 2010 - Army machineguns protestors outside newspaper office amidst growing clampdown

Reporters Without Borders condemned Yemen’s attempt to use the current anti-terror push to crush human rights after security forces today fired on a crowd of protestors staging a ‘sit-in’ outside the offices of a banned newspaper.

“The Ali Abdallah Saleh government is taking advantage of support from foreign powers in the fight against terrorism on its soil to deliberately violate people’s rights”, the worldwide press freedom organisation said.

“The international community must remind the Sanna government that the legitimate fight against terrorism can never be used to justify cracking down on the media”, it said.

More than 200 demonstrators answered a call from several Yemeni human rights organisations to hold a ‘sit-in’ outside the offices of the newspaper al-Ayyam in Aden, in protest at the forced closure of the daily since May last year and to call for its reopening.

Editor Hisham Bashraheel described the scene to Reporters Without Borders: “The security forces started firing on the crowd at 16.07pm. The police even aimed at one of their own number to make it look like the demonstrators were armed, when in fact everyone came to protest peacefully”.

“We are surrounded. There are soldiers and police everywhere,” he added. “We have heard them calling for reinforcements. The demonstrators are still gathered at the entrance. It will be dark in Aden soon and we fear the worst”, the worried editor said.

Security forces previously fired on the offices of the newspaper on 13 May 2009 (, after the information minister banned the newspaper from printing on 4 May in the name of the principle of the “country’s national unity” ( The situation deteriorated still further on 15 July when a journalist on the newspaper, Anis Ahmed Mansur Hamida, was sentenced to 14 months in prison for “attacking national unity” and “separatism” at the end of a politically motivated trial ( He remains in prison.

The state of press freedom in the country has considerably worsened since May 2009, particularly in the south of the country. Nothing has been heard of Khalid Jahafi a journalist on the opposition news website since security forces arrested him on 27 December 2009 while he was taking photos of clashes between police officers and supporters of the southern pro-independence movement ( Shafi’ al-Abd, a journalist on the newspaper al-Nada, as well as four members of the leadership of the Federation of Southern Youth, were arrested by police in Aden on 28 December, before being moved to Khor Maksar jail in Aden province. The journalist has been charged with forming a political party hostile to “security and national unity”. A court in Lahij province has also postponed indefinitely and without explanation the trial of journalist Iyyad Ghanem, who is in worsening health from a two-week hunger strike. He has been in custody for six months after filming a rally by supporters of the southern rebel groups in the city of Korsh.

Further, nothing has been heard since 18 September of journalist Muhammad al-Maqalih, who disappeared in unexplained circumstances. Many Yemeni journalists believe the security services were responsible for his abduction, despite their denials. Fouad Rashid, editor of the website Al-Mukalla Press, and Salah al-Saqladi, editor of the website Adengulf-website, are also still being held.
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Updated on 20.01.2016