Almost every journalist in Cairo seemed to have been the victim of an incident

Reporters Without Borders released a provisional tally of the cases of abuses against journalists and media since violence broke out on 2 February, above all in Cairo’s Tahrir Square. Few news organizations had been spared. Almost every journalist in Cairo seemed to have been the victim of an incident. Some victims requested anonymity for fear of reprisals. 1 journalist dead: Ahmed Mohammed Mahmoud from Al-Ahram Journalists attacked but not detained: 79 Journalists detained for at least 2 hours: 76 Cases of material harmed and media offices closed: 25 Media the most targeted: Al-Jazeera with 3 reporters attacked and 4 detained (all released) + office trashed. Countries with the most harassed journalists in Egypt: USA (30 + a VOA team) France (18) Poland (9) Qatar (7 - all Al-Jazeera)
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Updated on 20.01.2016