An AFP correspondent kidnapped in Ingushetia - Journalists who are former hostages call for his release

Journalists who were taken hostage in Lebanon, Philippines and Colombia
address an appeal to Russian President Vladimir Putin and the kidnappers of
Ali Astamirov. AFP correspondent in Ingushetia and Chechnya,
Astamirov was abducted on 4 July by armed men in Nazran (Ingushetia) in
front of fellow journalists. His family does not know if he is still alive.

We, the undersigned, were taken hostage in Lebanon, Philippines or Colombia, so we know the feeling of abandonment and isolation, the fear that we will never see our loved ones again, the constant uncertainty about what awaits us. We are therefore extremely concerned about the fate of our colleague, Ali Astamirov, Agence France-Presse correspondent in Chechnya and Ingushetia, who was abducted on 4 July by a group of armed men in the village of Altievo, 3 km from Nazran, the main city in Ingushetia, in front of fellow journalists. Aged 34, Chechen and the father of two children, Ali had been working for AFP for a year. Previously, he worked for a privately-owned radio station in Grozny and, from 1998 to 1 October 1999 (the date of the start of military operations), for the Chechen branch of the then independent Russian television station NTV. In the months prior to his abduction, he received anonymous threats and changed his place of residence out of concern for his security. The investigators in charge of the case in Moscow and the Nazran prosecutor's office in Ingushetia have learned nothing of any significance. Three weeks after the kidnapping, Ali's family felt sure he was still alive, but today they are no longer so sure. If no one knows the identity of his abductors, one thing is nonetheless certain: a journalist who was covering a terrible war and its accompanying atrocities has today been silenced. We call on Ali Astamirov's abductors to make themselves known and to release him as soon as possible. We also call on President Putin to do everything possible to find Ali and obtain his release without putting his life in danger. Roger Auque, journalist, hostage in Lebanon in 1987 Maryse Burgot, journalist, hostage in Jolo (Philippines) in 2000 Scott Dalton, journalist, hostage in Colombia in 2003 Jean-Jacques Le Garrec, journalist, hostage in Jolo (Philippines) in 2000 Jean-Paul Kauffmann, journalist, hostage in Lebanon from 1985 to 1988 Andreas Lorenz, journalist, hostage in Jolo (Philippines) in 2000 Roland Madura, journalist, hostage in Jolo (Philippines) in 2000 Ruth Morris, journalist, hostage in Colombia in 2003 Jean-Louis Normandin, journalist, hostage in Lebanon from 1986 to 1987 Philippe Rochot, journalist, hostage in Lebanon in 1986
Published on
Updated on 20.01.2016