Access to Reporters Without Borders site blocked within hours after move to new web site server

Reporters Without Borders today condemned the Chinese government's censorship of the Chinese-language version of its website, , as a result of which Internet users in China are deprived of information about press freedom. On 25th May, the site was moved to a new web site server and within a few hours - we estimate between five and eight hours - access had again been blocked within China. The Chinese authorities very quickly blocked access when the site was first launched on 3 May. The cyber-police clearly used detectors containing subversive and pornographic keyword filters to identify undesirable new sites. Regardless of the consequences for Chinese Internet users, any IP address linked to a website considered undesirable is blocked without any warning. Tens of thousands of Chinese web sites are currently inaccessible online as a result of such measures.
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Updated on 20.01.2016